Monday, February 07, 2005

Koinonia retreat =)

*sigh...i got back from retreat yesterday at 5:30 and i miss it...* was so much tiring...but so much fun. wow...I really needed that retreat...i mean ever since baptism...i haven't been the greatest i guess...not on track...drifting a lot..and that retreat helped me see at least the direction i have to go. Honestly...kevin's sermons helped me a lot. Humility, Discipline, and Surrender. THREE TOPICS =) was just so God spoke to me, telling me that I need to just let go, let Him do it, and be disciplined EVERYDAY! IT's sucha hard thing to do because so many times i worry, but God's telling me that it's okay...because He will deal with it because He has His will for me and all i need to do is let Him do His will instead of my own. and wow...on sunday..the songs..were amazing...we didn't know the sermon was about surrender your will for His...and our response song..was surrender...God is an awesome God =) truly He is.
It was also so awesome i got to stargaze and stuff...and it's just so amazing to look at God's creation...see the beauty He has created in this world...and it just totally reflects the song Indescribable all the stars in the sky and every creature praises Him, reflects His glory and majesty. wow....i miss retreat but was totally worthwhile! TOTALLY!

here's pix from retreat if u wanna see:

1 comment:

Anita said...

God is amazing! I had a great time with you guys at retreat and God's presence was definitely with all of us. Live your testimony for God and trust God will carry you through the tough times. :)