Monday, February 14, 2005

Love is in the air

happy valentine's day =) haha valentine's day...a day and affection...haha why do we have a day for love? I mean...don't you show love and affection everyday to people? I don't know...but yea
haha funny how it's valentine's day and what's on my mind. I guess after the conversation I had with you last night, it made me reflect and think i guess...
Is there really a line that people can see or draw to separate friendship and relationship? Is there a distint point where you know and you can say that you know the difference? It's hard...because I don't know...maybe it's different for everybody because people may have a wide range of ideas but seriously what line? You can't draw a physical and what not to do...because that's honestly kind of stupid. Emotional lines? controling your feelings? hard thing to do man. But i don't know...i guess we all have to draw our own lines because it's different for everyone.

Another thing....typical question that may don't have the answer to:

What is love?
Yes the Bible answers what love is... the aspects of love in 1 Corinthians 13. Paul makes it perfectly clear that love is important...even most important...more important than faith and hope. But how do you know when you're in love? I mean...yes the aspects are there...but i can you tell? it's so honestly knows what love is, and how love feels? I don't even know where i'm going with this. But yea...I guess makes me wonder to what extent of love have a truly experienced...haha yes yes i mean i know i'm a loved person :P haha family and friends...but yea...i don't know..haha

On another less thoughtful note, i'm not at school =) hehe freezin rain= no school =) haha yayynesss but yeaaa...haha

i lavvv you all =) happy valentine's day again =) that's all for now

Later Days~

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