Saturday, September 16, 2006

girls/guys night

hahaha total joax yesterday! : ) omgsh i love kna. so last night was girls/guys night. haha music video went alright. haha they were suppose 2 dance like..nsync haha and tim's group ended up jus making up their own thing haha : P awesome stuff. and darren states that nsync is fruity. haha. and i heard that andy can dance haha that i gotta see sometime : P the next game, the guys and girls hadta dress like each other haha jt had the best doo ever : P and all that makeup haha eyeshadow and lipgloss :P haha soo joax. and the basement reaked of perfume and cologne. hahaha the last game was soo joax. haha they played sharades with guys & girls words haha

the guys list was as follows:
purple nurple
Ro-Sham-Bo (which darren demonstrated to me last night =/)
Door Knob
Standing While peeing
5'o clock shadow ( i totally don't get that)
Silent but deadly

the girls list was a little changed so in the end we did:
fallopian tubes

haha so joax. man andy chung is so pro it's kinda scary. hahaha. and soo joax during halter top one mike was guessing randomly he's bra...crossover bra and all this stuff haha so joax. : )

and tim tied up my hair so that i had like a bun on the TOP of my head : ( and darren was evil and took a did chowchow. oh pooo

haha last night was joax : ) i laughed so much my face hurted. and jimmy & steven came to visit. omgsh in the end, at the back, there was like...a circle of older boys like...jason, darren, jc, chung, & jimmy. haha

and exciting...WE HAVE SOUND IN THE BASEMENT! : ) smank you mistake! : )

want pictures? let me know.

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