Sunday, January 15, 2006

stressed..yet blessed


these past two days have just been...chaos. What happens when you don't trust in God and when you don't believe in yourself. *sigh finally broke down and cried yesterday becuase i felt like i couldn't do it anymore. I had so much to do, so much i want to do, so many expectations to follow and little time. I felt better after talking to people today and konw what i realized? yes i am stressed...yes school is hectic, yes school does suck very much when exams are two weeks away but you know what?

i'll get through it =) I just know it....when i draw strength from God i can do anything =) superwoman or as jon calls me, "supereggs" =) and becuase i am greatly blessed

I am blessed with...
the amazing emails from mel, jon & my cell group
the endless support from my friends

the support from my parents
the people who always tell me to never give up
the people who never gave up on me
a brother who knows i have a lot to do and does my chores without even asking =)
counsellors who are constantly praying for me and just being there
an amazing worship team to work with and just to be able to have a time where i could laugh
and finally...

and Faithful God who never ceases to amaze me...who continues to shower me with blessings beyond anything

reminder: God will never give you more than you can handle =) If He brought you in it, He can bring you THROUGH it =)


Lydia said...

Amen sista!

God will truly pull you through it - no matter what hindrances / obstacles that is put around you through people's comments, opinions, traditions of what has been, etc.etc. just keep goin' through - He'll totally take you ridin' through!!


Unknown said...

u ain't the only one eggie, so no worries, i will be cheering you on n supporting you all da way :) u can do it!