Monday, October 02, 2006

busy busy busy

haha okay so for the record...hollie you're SOO much cuter than i am LMAO! hahaha i <3>

as for this week...omgsh no more posting haha enuf is enuf. haha i failed my algeo test today. like...80 fail okay hahaha but it still matters! it matters when i want that 95 in algeo :( haha but yes. if i get a 90 on that test it will be MIRACLE. it was pretty cool though...i totally had NO idea how to do one of the i decided to pray. i don't know about you but i've never prayed DURING a test, especially when there's like...10minutes left. then last 5 minutes i figured out how 2 do it! haha i probably lost some marks cuz it's kinda weird but it was so cool! : ) so yesh. but im still gonna get 80 haha
then i discovered the lab report i did is missing a conclusion lolz! way to end it. ahha ah well it doesnt count anyways :P

k so this week is crunch week for meee. so dun bother me unless u're special hahaha and thanks for the laughs last night phil & nels : ) it was awesome talking to you guys hahha i was TOTALLY high on the "phil&nels" drug ahhaa i love u guys. (we eat air HAHA) and phil cheated on me & nels for the bathroom : P LMAO

k so this week:

mon - algeo test, chem lab
tues - chem test, physics assessment quiz
wed - bio assessment quiz
thurs - physics quiz, meeting w/ freddy, interviews for HOPE
fri - physics lab, interviews for HOPE, thanksgiving dinner or kenny's bday, mel comes home
sat - family dinner, worship practice
sun - eric's bday dinner

nxt week:
mon - thanksgiving, no school : )
tues -
wed - physics slingshot due
thurs - bio test
fri -
sat - scott missions, chillage w/ jc
sun -

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