Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm lovin' it
okay not mcdonalds haha i don't like mcdeess
haha just loving this weekend :) truly blessed
truly thankful
truly happy

-the sunny weather this weekend
- the good times me and nat had in the car yesterday..(Pulp, mouse w/ biceps, and running maple leaf haha)
- my awesome university friends :) welcome home boys and girls
- haha little old ladies that shove lydia around haha total joax
- my brother sitting beside me on the piano and just singing to the songs i play :P haha cuz im that cool
- darren, jason, jon, and eric and how they never cease to amuse me
- watching issy do stupid things haha like climbing over chairs
- being a dinosaur and rawr-ing
- worshipping God
- getting emails from people =)
- sitting in front of the piano and just playing
- the food my mommy makes :P

the simple, little things that just make my weekend =)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

and of course a very sexy older brother :P HAHAHA