Thursday, July 07, 2005

He Chose the Nails

So I was reading He Chose the Nails, and it's really amazing what it reminds me of how GREAT God is. Max Lucado was saying that all that was needed in order for us to be saved was his blood, but he did SOO much more. He gave us that crown of thorns, and the sponge soaked with blood, the mockery of the soldiers, and the nails and cross. This is all his big gift. It's like..a gift under a Christmas tree. I think we all remember when we were little and it was Christmas and we would frantically opening presents and have the biggest smiles across our faces. Imagine those magnificant gifts but instead of a tree, it's under a cross, and when you open them, instead of toys and brand new clothes, it's a crown of thorns and a sponge soaked with cheap wine. Max Lucado gives us the question of this:
Did we open all His presents? Did we really look at all the gifts He's given us? Really thought about the true significance and how much He gave us?

I mean He didn't have to do all that stuff, but he did, making us love Him soo much more.

God deserves all our praise, all of it

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