Sunday, January 02, 2005

this year...

haha things i wanna do this year...let's see how many i actually get done :P

- grow closer to God --> Prioitize!!
- definately try harder not to fall into temptation
- learn how to snowboard
- build back relationship with people who grew distint
- go skiing
- learn to be more patient
- less judging, more loving
- learn how to sing from my diaphragm :P
- get 90 over average
- exercise more! man so out of shape ><

- loose 10 pounds
- stop getting so angry and offended so easily
- less self-aware :P lolz edwin
- stop complaining about the smallest things and start being more grateful

and lastly...and the most important...DO GOD'S WILL!

wishing you all a happy new year =)

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